Window tint: protection for your health…and so much more.

We all know that outdoor exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun can cause health risks, including premature aging of the skin, suppression of the immune system, damage to the eyes, and skin cancer.  However, what most people don’t realize is that indoor exposure to UV rays streaming in through windows can also cause many of the same health issues.  At Home Window Tinting, we do understand these concerns and that’s just one reason why we recommend window tint as a way of blocking out up to 99% of harmful UV rays inside your home or office.

Image result for window film


How indoor exposure to UV rays can harm your health

·    Skin Cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, chronic exposure to UV rays – including indoor exposure – accelerates the aging of skin five to seven years.  In addition to accelerating skin aging, cumulative UV exposure also increases your risk of skin cancer.  As a result, the Foundation recommends having special UV-protective film applied to your home or office windows.
·    Eye damage.  When you go outside on a sunny day, chances are that you wear sunglasses.  If not, you should — because continued exposure to UV rays can increase the risk of developing cataracts or macular degeneration later in life.  Although your eyes are not at risk as much indoors as out, there is still a good amount of exposure to UV rays even when you’re in the comfort of your home or office on a sunny day.

We all know that outdoor exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun can cause health risks, including premature aging of the skin, suppression of the immune system, damage to the eyes, and skin cancer.  However, what most people don’t realize is that indoor exposure to UV rays streaming in through windows can also cause many of the same health issues.  At Home Window Tinting, we do understand these concerns and that’s just one reason why we recommend window tint as a way of blocking out up to 99% of harmful UV rays inside your home or office.


How indoor exposure to UV rays can harm your health


·    Skin Cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, chronic exposure to UV rays – including indoor exposure – accelerates the aging of skin five to seven years.  In addition to accelerating skin aging, cumulative UV exposure also increases your risk of skin cancer.  As a result, the Foundation recommends having special UV-protective film applied to your home or office windows.
·    Eye damage.  When you go outside on a sunny day, chances are that you wear sunglasses.  If not, you should — because continued exposure to UV rays can increase the risk of developing cataracts or macular degeneration later in life.  Although your eyes are not at risk as much indoors as out, there is still a good amount of exposure to UV rays even when you’re in the comfort of your home or office on a sunny day.

A Partial Solution

Many people think that blinds, curtains and other window treatments are the solution to blocking indoor UV rays, but the fact is that they offer only a partial UV shield.   In addition to the problem of window treatments not offering full protection, who wants to keep their windows blocked all day long on a beautiful, sunny day?